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技術規格Having trouble deciding if the ProJet MJP 2500 is right for your rapid prototyping or MultiJet modeling project? Use our technical specification guides to get a better idea of how this 3D printer can help you get the job done quickly. ProJet MJP 2500 Tech SpecsDiscover the resolutions, dimensions and other critical details of the ProJet MJP 2500 and ProJet MJP 2500 Plus 3D printers. This simple guide will also provide a holistic look at the VisiJet M2 materials used and potential prototype output. MJP EasyClean System Flyer (English A5)下载
MJP EasyClean System Flyer (English)下载
MJP EasyClean System Flyer (French)下载
MJP EasyClean System Flyer (Japanese)下载
MJP EasyClean System Flyer (Korean)下载
MJP EasyClean System Flyer (Spanish)下载
ProJet MJP 2500 MultiJet Plastic Printers Tech Specs (English A4)下载
ProJet MJP 2500 MultiJet Plastic Printers Tech Specs (English)下载