Figure 4 Standalone


The new ProJet MJP 2500W is an affordable 100% RealWax pattern 3D printer that adjusts to your workflow, delivering from several short run batches a day to next day typical larger builds at high productivity. These highly accurate, fine wax patterns are directly printed, without tooling time, costs and geometric limitations, for reliable and repeatable direct metal casting efficiency.


The VisiJet M2 CAST 100% wax material melts like standard casting waxes, with negligible ash content in casting. This material is durable for handling and casting fine features, and the high contrast purple color allows for better detail visualization.

High productivity

Featuring fast wax patterns production, at up to 10X faster print speed than similar class solutions, and even faster workflow with single lane builds, the ProJet MJP 2500W improves the casting room efficiency. With a 3.7X larger build volume capability than similar class printers for broader applications versatility and 24/7 operation, this affordable printer’s high productivity means fast amortization and high return on investment.

High-resolution patterns

Consistently print sharp edges, extreme crisp details and smooth surfaces with high fidelity, ideal for intricate precision metal parts manufacturing with reduced metal hand polishing.


  • 快速金屬原型鑄造
  • 最終用途金屬部件的試生產和系列生產
  • 定制金屬部件製造


    • 採用多噴頭列印技術
    • 最大建模封裝容量(寬 x 深 x 高):
      11.6 x 8.3 x 5.6 英寸(295 x 211 x 142 毫米)
    • 用於標準工藝的 100% 蠟質金屬鑄模
    • Streamlined file-to-print workflow with the new 3D Sprint software capabilities
    • 可溶解支撐材料有助於快速輕鬆完成後處理工作


    • 更快獲得更多模型,緊跟金屬鑄造工作流程
    • 值得信賴的高保真模型
    • Exceptional sharp edges, fine feature definition and smooth surfaces
    • 有效去除支撐物,提高幾何設計的自由度
    • High performance, durable casting wax
    • 適合辦公環境
    • 總體購置成本 (TCO) 低廉





ProJet MJP MultiJet Wax Printers Tech Specs (English A4)下载
ProJet MJP MultiJet Wax Printers Tech Specs (English)下载



MultiJet Wax Pattern 3D Printers Brochure (English A5)下载
MultiJet Wax Pattern 3D Printers Brochure (English)下载
MultiJet Wax Pattern 3D Printers Brochure (French A5)下载




VisiJet M2 CAST (MJP)

Durable, 100% wax for precision metal casting patterns









